Hand Sanitizer Recipe: Learn How To Make Hand Sanitizer - During Covid-19

Hand Sanitizer Recipe: Learn How To Make Hand Sanitizer - During Covid-19
Hand Sanitizer Recipe: Learn How To Make Hand Sanitizer - During Covid-19

When the flu wave rolls again, washing hands and disinfecting help

On the train, on the bus, at the bakery - everywhere we come in contact with germs that others have left behind. It is therefore important to wash your hands several times a day. But what to do if there is no way to do it on the way (e.g. in the playground)? Then disinfectants for the hands * 🛒, which are now available from numerous manufacturers, will help. However, you can save the money by doing hand disinfectants yourself. It's totally simple and you are guaranteed to know what is in the bottle afterward. Nicely packed, the germ killer is even suitable as a gift.

Currently also important to protect yourself and others: a mouthguard. 
>> Overview: The most popular mouth protection masks at Amazon * 🛒

DIY instructions for disinfectants

The list of ingredients in an average disinfectant reads like a chemistry doctoral thesis: Propan-2-ol, Propan-1-ol, Mecetroniumetilsulfat ... In case you are too scared to rub this mixture on your skin or on your children, you can also mix an agent that kills pathogens yourself. How this works and what you need for it, we show you here in our DIY instructions for disinfectants.

However, it is important that you do not overdo it with the application. Washing hands with soap are always the better alternative - for both your skin and your immune system. Because when you wash your hands, you make a large part of the bacteria and viruses on your hand surface harmless and a certain contact with pathogens is even good for us because we train our immune system. In addition, some bacteria even protect the skin. Nevertheless, hygiene is important especially in the cold season, when flu and cold waves regularly sweep through the country. And if there is no sink nearby, then a disinfectant is ideal for on the go.

Checklist: You need this for the DIY hand disinfectant

It is best to get an amber glass bottle with a spray attachment in the pharmacy or online at Amazon * 🛒. Then fill them in as follows:

  • 80 ml of alcohol ( isopropyl alcohol or ethanol *)
  • 20 ml aloe vera juice *
  • 5 drops of an  essential oil *: either tea tree, clove, lavender, lemon, rosemary, cinnamon or eucalyptus

Mix all the ingredients in the amber glass bottle and shake well before each use.

The essential oils it contains are a natural remedy for germs, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Alcohol disinfects very well, aloe vera does too - and the aloe content also nourishes the skin. If you prefer to clean surfaces with the spray, simply replace the aloe content 1: 1 with alcohol.

Would you prefer it to be a hand gel? Then add 1 to 1.5 grams of xanthan * to change the consistency. Fill the gel into a brown bottle with a pump attachment *.

Use hand disinfectant correctly

  1. Spray your hands with the spray from a distance of 5 centimeters until the palms are moist and also spread between your fingers - similar to the soap used to wash your hands.
  2. Leave on for up to 30 seconds.
  3. Massage disinfection gel into your hands for 20 to 30 seconds so that it can develop its optimal anti-germ effect.

WHO recipe for homemade disinfectant goes around the world

Incidentally, the World Health Organization has also published instructions for a self-mixed disinfectant. According to the editorial network Germany, the WHO recipe contains the following ingredients, which are mixed and mixed well:

  • 800 ml of alcohol or ethanol * 🛒
  • 200 ml of boiled water
  • and  some glycerin *  🛒

It is important that you do not mix the ingredients near fire or hot objects, because ethanol is highly flammable.

The glycerin component in the WHO DIY disinfectant recipe is intended to protect the skin. The problem: alcohol and ethanol attack the fat layer of the skin and dry the hands. All in all, homemade disinfectants are more of an emergency solution when Sagrotan, Steriulium & Co. are hardly available in pharmacies or drugstores. Experts from various pharmacists warn against making disinfectants themselves because they use flammable chemicals. So caution is definitely required. And a disinfectant from the pharmacy should be the first choice.

Stay healthy!

Stay Safe!

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